Showing Up Together

Attendance is Key to School Success!

Students need to attend school to achieve in school. Families need to send their children to school on time every day. Staff and community members also play a role in ensuring that students attend school – every student, every day.

CUSD wants to support students, their families, and our community in ensuring every student is able to attend school every day. 

Missing School Can be a Signal that Students Need Support

We care about each one of our students, and when they are at school each day, we know they are healthy, safe, and learning. However, when students are not in school, they are falling behind. Chronic absenteeism impacts all students—no matter their age. Students that miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely to not read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate.

Attendance can be a signal that a student needs support. Students might be absent because of:

  • Struggles with school subjects

  • School climate

  • Health conditions

  • Anxiety

  • Transportation

  • Caring for family members

When is Your Child too Sick for School?

Keep me at home if:

Send me back when:

Overall, not feeling well

I have any new illness or symptom preventing me from participating meaningfully in routine activities (multiple symptoms is more likely to be contagious)

I feel well enough to participate, without fever reducing medications


Fever 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

My fever is gone in the morning without medication such as Tylenol, Advil or Motrin

Respiratory Virus symptoms-Cough, stuffy/runny nose, sneezing)

Covid test is recommended. If my symptoms include a fever or significant nasal discharge

I only have mild symptoms that are improving, and I am fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. It is recommended I wear a mask for 10 days from symptom onset


I Vomited 2 or more times in 24 hours

I stopped vomiting overnight and I can hold down liquids and food

Diarrhea (more frequent stools, or less formed stools not from diet change)

I may not make it to the bathroom in time, or if my symptoms prevent me from participating meaningfully in routine activities

I have not had diarrhea for 24-48 hours or infection has been ruled out

Sore Throat

If I have fever or symptoms that prevent me from participating meaningfully in routine activities

I only have mild symptoms. Recommended I wear a mask. I may return after at least 12 hours have passed from the first dose of antibiotic if prescribed

Ear or Eye Irritation (including pink eye)

I have significant discharge from the eyes or ears, or symptoms that prevent child from participating meaningfully in routine activity

I only have mild symptoms


I have a fever, recent exposure to measles, chickenpox, worsening rash, pain, blisters, not healing, oozing

I only have mild symptoms and have begun the appropriate treatment and time frames for rashes that are contagious

CDPH Health Guidelines

Resources for Families

CUSD has compiled resources, both District and external, to help families ensure students can attend school healthy and ready to learn each and every day. Find below resources by topic and to the right, general community resources. 

Need a resource not provided? Please reach out to Director of Communication, Elaine Kong at