Welcome to the Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of service to assist students with achieving their college and career goals. Mrs. Suzanne Miller is on our campus every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to offer support and resources.
News Flash!
Email Mrs. Miller at smiller@cusd.claremont.edu for information on Baldy View ROP classes.
Work Permits: If you are under 18 you will need a work permit. See Ms. Mancilla or email her at lmancilla@cusd.claremont.edu for more information.

Baldy View ROP
ROP (Regional Occupational Program) provides career and technical education skills and abilities that will successfully prepare students with work and careers in local and global economy.
These courses are free to high school students. Most ROP classes are open to 9th-12th grades. Note: some classes have age restrictions and prerequisites. BVROP has at least twenty different locations throughout the region providing elective credits. Completion of specific classes may result in articulation credit to post-secondary institutions. Please come to the Career Center for more information.
Spring 2024 Baldy View ROP Catalog

Career Center Staff
Suzanne Miller
College and Career Center Technician
909-621-4532 or 909-624-9053 ext. 30442
Email Suzanne Miller